Wednesday, October 26, 2016


#1 Fairness
Our game should be fair to the player yet challenging, The housemother shouldn't be able to catch you every time she sees you, but it will be a challenge to get away from her when she does. As well, the game will get more difficult as you progress.

#2 Challenge vs Success
Again, it will be a challenge to not be seen by the housemother and to get away when she does. When you do succeed in not being seen or getting away then you can progress to the next level of the game which will be more challenging.

#3 Meaningful Choices
The player has the choice to hide where they want to hide, use which weapon they want to use, and go where they want. It is in a controlled environment and the choice to do nothing is still a choice and will have a specific outcome.

#4 Skill vs Chance
The players skill comes into play when trying to navigate around the map without being seen, finding different paths to take, and getting away when in danger. There will always be the chance that the housemother is right outside a door ready to catch you or a chance that she may or may not check the room you are in.

#5 Head vs Hands
Our game is fairly simple on controls as long as you are familiar with standard game controls. Walking, running, crouching, pressing to interact with objects, and attacking will be basically all of our controls. It is up to the players skill to react quick enough in some situations. Regardless the controls are fairly easy.

#6 Competition vs Cooperation
I wouldn't say this applies to our game since it is singleplayer. You could see how fast you can beat the game and compete with others but there will be no feature that displays how fast you did it.

#7 Short vs Long
Our game will be relatively long and the player can make strategies to win on one floor but when he moves up a floor it can get more difficult. Thus, making the player find new strategies. You will also have to backtrack to the basement when you've completed a floor adding another challenge that the player must overcome.

#8 Rewards
There aren't really rewards in our game other than the accomplished feeling of succeeding in your goal. Maybe a reward is the motherly love you receive from the venus weed after completing a level.

#9 Punishment
The punishment for getting caught in our game is that the night you are playing starts over. If you completed a floor already you will still have that complete, but the progress you made on a different floor up until you were caught will be lost. As well the player may be thrown outside the orphanage needing to find a way back in.

#10 Freedom vs Controlled Experience
The player has the freedom to roam around the level at the risk of being caught, chose which weapon to use if you find it, and how they go about completing the level. This has constraints as you can tell. The player is constrained to a specific level, we control where weapons are places, where you are able to hide, and how difficult a level will be.

#11 Simple vs Complex
I would say the premise of the game is simple but challenging. It is very complex behind the scenes to make AI run how they are supposed to, how items are able to be equipped, when certain things spawn, when the level resets, etc. The player may not directly see the complexity of the game, especially if they have played other games of a higher quality.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Assets Into Unreal

I showed off some of the models we have made already but I'll just re-show a specific one I made in 3DS Max. I prefer Max to blender because I feel it has a better interface. Here is the dresser I made relatively quickly in Max.
I UV unwrapped it and exported it to Substance Painter. Applied a Smart Material and a little bit of edge-wear for the clean material then increased it to create a more worn look. Exported the textures from Substance Painter, imported them and the model into Unreal, and created the materials and placed them on the model. There are three materials because one is the knobs just in case I want to change that material.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Game Assets

Created a 3D bed model for the orphanage with different blankets using cloth physics in 3DS Max. UV unwrapped everything and made it ready for Substance Painter. May need to make lower poly versions but when I tested the hit to FPS in Unreal it was virtually non-existent, at least on my rig.    
Just starting to texture it in Substance Painter.

Also worked on a dresser that will go next to the beds in the game. I may implement animations for the drawers so the player can open them.